Monday, October 1, 2018

Chronic Cough: Causes and Treatments

Our GPs in North Sydney can help you with your chronic cough problemChronic cough is persistent and as a result, a person’s day to day activities are done ineffectively. Not only that but a persistent cough will also cut your sleep by a huge margin and oftentimes resulting to many sleepless nights.

This is the reason why this condition should not be taken lightly or for granted especially if it has been eight weeks or more already. Let us look at chronic cough symptoms and the appropriate remedies to treat these inconveniences.

Chronic dry cough has a number of symptoms that patients need to keep in mind. Among the list includes having a runny or stuffy nose, experiencing postnasal drip.

A postnasal drip happens when excessive mucus accumulates in the throat or back of the nose. Aside from that, chronic cough also often comes with hoarseness, wheezing and shortness of breath and in some cases leaves heartburn or sour taste in your mouth.

As mentioned earlier, chronic cough is something that needs to be treated with haste. It is good to hear that there are a number of options on how to approach chronic cough treatment.

One of the best remedy for chronic cough is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids to help thin out the mucus.

It is important however, to avoid drinking cold water for the time being as this will only upset or irritate your throat. What you can do instead is to try hot drinks as an alternative such as warm tea with honey which is known to help soothe the throat.

Get in touch with your doctors to learn more about chronic cough treatments today!


Home – NorthSydneyDoctorsMedicalCentre


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